There are no coincidences in life, only preparation and the ability to seize opportunities
Understanding that every situation stems from cause and effect, it’s essential to live with intention by:
- clearly defining your goals and actions;
- finding a trusted conversation partner to share and reflect on your thoughts;
- making conscious, well-considered decisions among the many choices you face.
I’m here to support you on this journey, providing space for your ideas and reflecting back your thoughts. I’ll challenge you to take steps toward making the best choices for your future.
Select meeting here:
Phone: +372 56135128

Andres Marandi
Associate Certified Coach
Board Member of ICF Estonia
Personal Coaching
Time for a Change? Are you tired of feeling stuck, unsure of your next move?
Coaching can help you gain clarity and focus on the areas of your life or career that need improvement.
By working with a coach, you’ll uncover what’s holding you back and get support in unlocking your full potential. During the initial session, you’ll discuss what type of coaching is right for you and how it can lead to meaningful change. Ready to explore new possibilities?
Leadership Coaching
From the outside, it may seem like I have it all – career, family, home, and success. But there are times when I feel deeply alone. Who can I confide in when the tough choices arise?
If this resonates with you, reach out, and let’s talk.
A Harvard Business Review study shows that nearly 50% of leaders feel isolated, with 61% believing it affects their performance. At the top, it’s hard to find someone to share your struggles with, which is why many seek the support of coaches.
Team Coaching
Why is it important to be aware of your goals and actions? Because it creates a connection between what we want to achieve and what we are doing. When we are clearly aware of our goals, we can direct our energy and resources towards fulfilling them. It’s not just about setting big goals but also taking small daily steps.
Conflict Management
People’s opinions are shaped by their unique experiences, and while they might sometimes align with others, they can also differ. Conflict resolution requires negotiation, empathy, and mutual understanding to reach an agreement that works for everyone. In a conflict situation, it’s vital to recognize the diverse backgrounds and perspectives that inform people’s viewpoints.
If your team is struggling with conflict, reach out.
Aitan Teil oskuslikult lahendada konflikte, tunnustades, et igal inimesel on omad kogemused, mis kujundavad tema arvamusi ja seisukohti. Toetan teid läbi läbimõeldud läbirääkimiste ja vastastikuse mõistmise protsessi, aidates leida kompromissi ja luua lahendusi, mis rahuldavad kõiki osapooli. Minu eesmärk on edendada konstruktiivset dialoogi et saavutada vastastikku aktsepteeritav tulemus.
Coachoice OÜ is a partner of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, offering development coaching services.